Smart Manufacturing Conference 2019

Lina Ostapchuk

Association Business Events Manager

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How can the industrial sector increase its competitiveness with new technologies?

This was just one of the many questions addressed at the Smart Manufacturing Conference 2019, which was held at the Chambre des Métiers (Chamber of Skilled Crafts) on November 7, 2019. The aim of the conference was to give local manufacturers insight into how to boost productivity by implementing digital technologies to make their plants smarter and more connected. The event was organised by Luxinnovation in collaboration with the Fédération des Industriels Luxembourgeois (FEDIL). Organisers also invited participants to demonstrate how they have incorporated digitalisation into various other aspects of manufacturing such as administration, production planning, and maintenance. The event ended with a matchmaking session to allow participants the chance to meet with each other and discuss partnerships.

“This conference is a great and unique opportunity to share good experience and best practices between the different players.” Philippe Genot - Luxinnovation