We live in an increasingly connected world. Working at a distance from your collaborators, clients, and various service providers is essential to maintaining relationships and contacts.
Contact usWe live in an increasingly connected world. Working at a distance from your collaborators, clients, and various service providers is essential to maintaining relationships and contacts.
Imagine that you're holding a trade show attended by hundreds or thousands of people – except that no two vendors or visitors are actually in the same space. Instead, vendors have used virtual reality to build their stands which can be visited in real time by anyone interested in the vendors’ products.
Imagine a congress that takes place entirely online. From the reception desk, you implement your general plan and lead a virtual tour while the video conference ‘rooms’ for various topics offer everything from information, networking space, participatory workshops, to e-posters.
Imagine a product presentation day for a European company that showcases its newest products to all its customers at the same time. The speakers talk about their expertise and members of the customer panel discuss their experience while the sales and technical staff are available to the visitors, all on the screen, without any travel or physical interaction required.
We could go on with these types of examples. Indeed, in our vision, virtual events can be as effective as any physical experience. They just have to be built the right way, and with the right technology and approach, none of the above is utopian. For your organisation, it may well become a reality.
The capacity to host such virtual events already exists in Luxembourg, both technologically and in terms of staffing. Video conferencing software enables a growing array of online interactions such as one-on-one conversations, panel discussions, presentations, and casual networking.
However, hosting a successful virtual event requires more than just the technology, and it can’t be improvised. Success requires expertise in preparing, organising, and hosting such events. Fortunately, professionals in Luxembourg have this expertise.