eXplore Conference 2019

Lina Ostapchuk

Association Business Events Manager

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On March 12, 2019, the Luxembourg Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LCL) at the University of Luxembourg organised the eXplore Conference, which brought together industry experts to offer a truly unique learning opportunity on the future of supply chain and sustainability.

The conference welcomed 120 participants from 54 organisations on three continents. The theme was ‘Greening the Supply Chain’, or how to ensure a more environmentally sustainable approach to logistics. The academic keynote address was delivered by Antonino Barbera Mazzola, a policy officer at the European Commission who talked about carbon emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) and presented his agency’s plans for reducing such emissions with the help of both incentives and penalties. Other addresses were delivered by Josué Velázquez Martínez from the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, who has demonstrated significant advantages from green vehicle assignment and the incorporation of topography into routing, and Annette Stube, from Maersk, who gave the industry keynote and discussed her company’s efforts to reach a target of zero emissions by 2050.