Bioimage analysis, a computational technique to extract digital data from bioimages, is one of the most innovative fields in biological research.
Luxembourg was honoured to host the 2019 annual conference of NEUBIAS, the European Network of Bioimage Analysts. The week-long conference, which was held from February 2-8, included training programs for both early-career and advanced analysts, an exciting ‘Taggathon’, as well as a large symposium about the latest developments and innovative tools. The training portion and Taggathon were held at the University of Luxembourg in Belval, while the symposium was hosted at the Neumünster Abbey, a beautiful 17th-century culture center located at the base of the capital’s towering cliff walls. Keynote speakers included Dr. Ivo F. Sbalzarini, Chair of Scientific Computing for Systems Biology at the Centre for Systems Biology Dresden, and Dr. Susan Cox, Royal Society University Research Fellow at King’s College London.