The story begins when Carlo Arendt and the members of his Luxembourg team travelled to South America to face an extreme challenge. What could be more difficult than crossing a South American country from one side to the other by walking through the jungle, rafting rivers or riding a horse?
The raid allowed Carlo Arendt to think ambitiously about organizing events himself.
It's on this original idea that New Spirit Event Designer was officially created in 1991. As the name already implies, something new has arrived on the Luxembourg market. Indeed, at that time, this market did not exist and no one would have imagined that event organisation would continue to exist in a country as small as Luxembourg.
Today, New Spirit organises for its clients events that are "custom-made" and original, but above all adapted to their wishes and objectives. This is why we offer you the best of our knowledge and experience.
Our goal is to create the event that will meet your expectations, your budget and that will leave a lasting impression on the minds of your guests.